And....I'm off!
Leaving for Las Vegas tonight. Long weekend girls trip, so excited! I spent a good 3 hours total packing. I'm a horrible packer, but a girl needs to be prepared! In my suitcase arsenal of beauty goods I included:

- Holllywood Fashion Tape! I told my girlfriends ahead of time that I had them covered for the trip! Not just the tape, but Hollywood Squares to help remove deodorant stains, Hollywood Touch Ups to remove unwanted lint and fuzz from our clothing, and the Hollywood Compact Mirror with a light so I can touch up in the dark clubs.

- ProSilk's Blue Tourmaline Ceramic Flat Iron - Oh, how I love this iron. It heats up in less than 7 seconds, and gets up to 435 degrees...I like it hot! I've tested my fair share of flat irons since I have wavey, short hair that needs help. This iron not only straightens, but it helps with frizz, and makes hair shiny. It uses Nano Quicksilver Technology to help sterilize bacteria and keep hair healthy. It's lightweight and on the small size for a flat iron, so it was super easy to tuck away in the front pocket of my suitcase.
- All of my beauty goods are housed in the EcoTools Overnight Bag by Alicia Silverstone. Super cute, stylish and PRACTICAL make up bag. I'm a sucker for a cute makeup bag, but usually they are so small they only fit a days worth of makeup! This bag has 3 (one large, two smaller) plastic zipped pouches lining the inside to keep you organized and safe from spilling or leaking items. It's super slip and fit nicely right down the middle of my suitcase. I had enough room for makeup, hair products and shower items. Giveaway to come soon!
- Victoria's Secret Glitter Liner is a must for at night. This liner paired with fake eyelashes (or natural) will make anyone's eyes pop - Bling!
Note: This review includes products that I received as samples, provided by the brand company or a PR rep. Please click here for more information regarding my disclaimer.
Have a good trip! :) :)